The 3D ultrasound picture contains clues (eyes, nose, mouth, etc.) to infer your baby’s face. BabyFace AI analyzes the clues to predict their appearance between 10 to 50 days of age.
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– You will be notified via email once the analysis is complete.
– Track your package: Menu -> Orders.
– Cancellation or refund requests will not be accepted once the process has reached the second step (image amplification stage).
– We will provide a refund if the ultrasound image cannot be analyzed.
– Your application may be cancelled and refunded if your baby’s race is not east Asian.
– Contact us : Click here to chat with our customer service
(10:00am – 18:00pm on weekdays)
– E-mail : global-cs@alethio.io
– [1st stage: Analysis] The analysis will check the baby’s eyes, nose, and mouth based on the ultrasound image provided. Afterwards, the analysis will be encoded for the AI to recognize it.
– [2nd stage: Creation] In this stage, the AI will generate the overall appearance of the baby, including facial contours and hair.
– [Completion] The analysis process is completed after verification by a professional inspector.
You will receive the analyzed photo after 3 working days (excluding weekends and holidays). In this case, you will receive it on the coming Wednesday.
After analysis, You’ll be able to download the image from Menu -> Orders.
It will be shipped out by courier on the next working day after the analysis is complete (excluding weekends and holidays).
We can analyze data from 3D and 4D scan photos. Please choose scan photos where the nose and mouth can be recognized.
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